Edgy thoughts

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Egypt: An Uprising or a Short-Lived Hangover

Time will tell if the Egyptian people are in a historical pursuit or a geographically-induced hangover. It is encouraging to see that the peoples' anti-government ramblings have sustained for over a week and are not showing any signs of slowdown despite strong resistance and pressure from government-supported police, thugs, and animal-riding goons. President Mubarak was forced to respond to this crisis by issuing a statement that he would not seek a re-election and would step down as early as September 2011. However, it didn't diminish peoples' frustrations that had been repressed for years. They wanted more. They didn't hear what they wanted to from the government. People of Egypt, especially the youth of Egypt, want to bid a quick farewell (the bitter, the better...if they have a choice) to Mubarak and anything associated with him. This has been refreshing, yet unusual development in where, who, and how it started.

The hope is it brings change (of any kind would be welcome!!) to Egypt and becomes a catalyst for changes to similar regimes in other parts of the world (this is the time to wake up North Koreans...!!!...do it for god's sake!!!)